Tuesday, July 25, 2017

HIatt Family Reunion June 24, 2017

The William Elihu Hiatt family reunion was held in Vineyard Utah and hosted by Carol's family. It was good to have a couple of hours to catch up a little bit.  We were especially happy to see Louise and Terry in attendance after late notice for them.  We truly missed Bernice and part of her family as well. Dianna sent a nice note to Les telling us about her life right now. So in part each family was all represented.
Les leading the discussion and getting everything started with announcements and family introductions.  How Bill and Lettie posterity have grown.
 Time to eat.
 Getting caught up.
 Lynn and Anita's Family 
4 children
21 grandchildren
3 great grandchildren
 Lousie accompanied by Terry
6 children
3 grandchildren
1 great grandchild
 Bernice and Dean's Family (we sure missed Bernice)
5 children
26 grandchildren
54 great grandchildren
1 great great grandchild
 Carol and Ralph's family
3 children
11 grandchildren
25 great grandchildren
 Arva and Chet's family
3 children
12 grandchildren
37 great grandchildren
Melba and Shorty's family
3 children
7 grandchildren
22 great grandchildren
2 great great grandchildren

We also want to thank Boyd, Sheila and David for the continual work on the family history research they are doing.  It is always fun to learn more about our ancestors . Don't forget to send the money to Richard for your family in order for them to be able to continue the research (if you haven't already contributed).  We look forward to being able to read more histories and getting to know these ancestors a little better.  You can also find histories and pictures on family search.

Our next reunion will be held in the Odgen are and hosted by the Thorsted family on June 27, 2017. 

Until then please keep in touch!