Thursday, December 25, 2014

Christmas 2014

Jessica, Dave, Caleb, Spencer, Emma (Lauri, Kerry, Carol and Ralph)
 Carolyn, Brad, and family (Arva and Chet)
 Les, Elaine, and family (Carol and Ralph)
 Nichole, Denny, Kiley, Bryson, Bronson (Les, Elaine, Carol Ralph)
 Janine, Wes, Kaitlyn, Alyssa, Chad, Brooke (Lynn and Anita)
Angela, Jim, Rachel, Michael,  Kirby (Lynn and Anita)

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Fighting for Our Freedom

Close to the 4th of July I started thinking about those in our family who have fought for our freedom.  I asked for a little information from family members to do a little FHE for our family but I didn't ask with enough time.  A little before Veteran's Day Rachel asked me for some information about family members who served to do a little history lesson
 for her sixth grade class.  I was able to come up with some and felt like I wanted to express my thanks here as well.

World War I: Grandpa Hiatt
World War II:  Uncle Bill, served in Europe and shot and taken prisoner at Anzio Beach.
World War II: Dad (Uncle Ralph) Served in the Pacific Theater.
The picture by the jeep was taken on Okinawa.
Korean Conflict: Uncle Lynn

Thank you, I love you all!

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Brent and Kathy Dayton Family
Brent Dayton son of Dean and Bernice Dayton

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Carol Rose Hiatt Smith

Carol Rose Hiatt Smith

Cousin's Conference

May 2. 2014 Lauri Smith Stevenson, Brenda Thorsted Bingham, and Carolyn Thorsted Turner
Closing session of Women's Conference at BYU.  It was fun to be together for a couple of days and enjoy the session's as well as have dinner together the night before with Rosemarie Smith, Janine Hiatt Mashburn, Anita Warner Hiatt, and at our house (Kerrry and Lauri Smith Stevenson.)  Why have we waited so long to start doing this together I am not sure but I hope we can continue to make this an annual event and have even more cousins participate.

Ralph and Carol Smith-Wedding day

 Milton Ralph Smith and Carol Rose Hiatt, January 14, 1944, Salt Lake City Utah
Visto May Rogers Smith, Milton Ralph Smith ( alias Ralph M. Smith or Smitty) and Carol Rose Hiatt Smith.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Makayla Beth (Ralph and Carol Smith family)

Makayla Beth
Born: March 25, 2014
Parents: Natalie and Dave
Grandparents:  Lauri and Kerry