Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Hiatt Family Reunion 2011

Our reunion was held in Brigham City Utah on June 25, 2011. Boyd and Sheila Nielsen and their family were the hosts for Melba's family. Though our numbers continue to get smaller each time it is good to visit with the ones who were there. We forgot to take pictures of the individual families before we started to scatter but here are a few pictures that I snapped.

Remaining sisters Louise and Bernice. Love to be with them!
Just relaxing and visiting and catching up with one another.
We each told about our families and what is going on in our lives.

Linda takes her turn. In the background Anita is between Les and Janine.

I always look forward to hearing Boyd give updates on the family research that he is doing. I am grateful for all of his efforts our behalf and love learning about where we came from and the interesitng stories he tells us.

Before we left there was a few more minutes to catch up. The next major family reunion will be hosted by Louise and her family. But the "cousin reunion" will be held in Brigham City in June of next year at Boyd and Sheila's home again.

The new temple in Brigham City we wanted to drive by and check on the progress as we left Brigham City. It is going to be beautiful and I am excited for the upcoming open house.

Olivia Marie

Olivia Marie
Born: May  2011
Parents: David and Natalie
Grandparents: Kerry and Lauri

Cameron Jack

Cameron Jack
Born: March 2011
Parents: Cameron and Rachel
Grandparents: Kerry and Lauri

Clara Lyn

Clara Lyn
Parents: Ken and Cydney
Born: January 2011
Grandparents: Kerry and Lauri

Emma Lynn

This is long over due since she just turned one but I am going to get caught up with my family.

 Emma Lynn
Parents: David and Jessica
Born: July 2010
Grandparents: Kerry and Lauri